Free Me
Publication date: September 29th 2015
Lies, secrets and truth untold. How can the future be different?
When Amy escaped the prison cell she’d been trapped in for years she had no idea how hard it would be to live again. Six months after the guy who kept her hostage died she is still looking for a way to break free from the shadow of fear that keeps haunting her.
Guilt hurts, and it’s left Rich lost. He is drinking in a bar with his friends when he sees a girl who prods him out of the listlessness he’s been trapped by since he turned himself around from a bad guy to good man. She’s beautiful, but she’s hesitant and nervous. It’s attractive, though. She’s sweet. But he doesn’t know what her awkwardness and her fleeting smiles hide, and when she asks if he’s a good guy, he isn’t sure what to say. He didn’t used to be.
Fate plays some cruel games…
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You might think that Jane was inspired to write by Jane Austen, especially as she lives near Bath in the United Kingdom, but you would be wrong. Jane’s favourite author is Anya Seton, and the book which drew her into the bliss of falling into historical imagination was ‘Katherine’ a story crafted from reality. Jane has drawn on this inspiration to discover other real-life love stories, reading memoirs and letters to capture elements of the past, and she uses these to create more realistic plots. ‘Basically I love history and I am sucker for a love story. I love the feeling of falling in love; it’s wonderful being able to do it time and time again in fiction.’ Jane is also a Chartered Member of the Institute of Personnel and Development in the United Kingdom, and uses this specialist understanding of people to bring her characters to life.
Wow! Now this is really my kind of story. I mean, it really blew my mind away, although I didn't give five stars to it. This book is very, very strong and it's message very strong. This is my first book from this author and I have to say that I will follow her by close, because her way of writting really gets to me. The characters are full of chemistry beetween them, the background very well structered and delightfully connected.
This story is about two young people that, along the way were both damaged by the same person. Rich and Amy gives us the message that no matter how bad life is to us, is it because of something or someone, we always have our reward. To Amy her reward was Christa, is lovely daughter, and Rich, the guy that was also so damaged that was afraid of almost everything in life.
Amy a teenage girl deceived, abused and fully humilated by the person who was suposed to protect her, gets the chance to escape with her daughter from the claws of who hurted her so much, and after changing names she is dealing with her traumas and with her past. Rich apears to her as a good young man who is sensitive, caring, tender and comprehensive. She doesn't have the slightest idea that same caring guy also as a past as much dark as her own.
This kind of story, this kind of characters are the same that most of the times stays under my skin and into my head for many, many days. It is hard to not think of how they are doing and if they really exceeded the traumas and suspicions that always had lived in her hearts.
Like I said, it is definately an author to follow and share with anyone that we know that loves to read strong storys like this one.
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