
Cover Reveal | Legend | Tracy Lorraine | Rosewood High #7 | Give Me Books Promotions

Title: Legend
Series: Rosewood High #7
Author: Tracy Lorraine
Genre: High School Bully Romance

Release Date
February 11, 2021

I made one mistake…
And she made one phone call that nearly destroyed my life.
I’ve spent the past year plotting my revenge and imagining all the wicked things I’d do to her when our paths finally crossed again.
I just had no idea it would be so soon.
The last thing I expected when I re-entered the world was to find myself right in the middle of hers. 
The girl who betrayed me, the snitch who ruined me—here for the taking. 
While she’s been oblivious here in Rosewood, I’ve been trapped in hell. 
Better watch your back, Harley Hunter.
You’re about to be owned by a Legend.



Previously released in the Love in
Lockdown Anthology
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Tracy Lorraine is a M/F and M/M contemporary romance author. Tracy recently-ish turned thirty and lives in a cute Cotswold village in England with her husband, daughter and lovable but slightly crazy dog. Having always been a bookaholic with her head stuck in her Kindle Tracy decided to try her hand at a story idea she dreamt up and hasn’t looked back since.



Cover Reveal | Trapped | Vera Hollins | Bulied Series Book #4 | Give Me Books Promotions

Title: Trapped
Series: Bullied #4
Author: Vera Hollins
Genre: Dark High School Romance
Cover Design: Rasha Savic

Release Date
February 18, 2021

Six months ago, I arrived in Enfield looking for a fresh start. Scarred by an old incident, I hoped life in a new town would help me finally accept myself, but I was wrong because the big change brought something way worse. Blake Jones. 

I was on Blake’s radar from the first day of our senior year, when he humiliated me in front of the whole school with a “welcome party.” However, it wasn’t welcoming at all, and it was just the start. 

Day after day, Blake was there to remind me I was fat and worthless, and the coward in me never let me defend myself. 

Until I finally exploded and fought back, right in the middle of class. 

But now? Now I have to pay the price because Blake won’t let it slide. He’ll make sure I regret it. 

Unless I manage to break out of his hatred and my all-consuming fears.

$2.99 for pre-order only!

“I’m aware that I’m not the bravest person out there, but I can change. I want to change.”
“Aww, so touching. Do you want applause? Here.” He clapped his hands hard. Each clap brought me more shame and pain, but I didn’t back down.
“You can mock me all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’ll be out of high school soon and won’t have to see your face ever again.” He clenched his jaw. “One day, I’ll be a better person, but you’ll never change. You’ll always remain this horrible jerk without a heart.” Something flashed in his eyes, and the veins at his temples bulged out. “You’ll stay alone.”




Vera Hollins is the author of the Bullied series, which has amassed over 30 million reads online since 2016. She loves writing emotional, dark, and angsty love stories that deal with heartbreak, mental and social issues, and finding light in darkness. 
She's been writing since she was nine, and before she knew it, it became her passion and life. She particularly likes coffee, bunnies, angsty romance, and anti-heroes. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, plotting her next book with as many twists as possible, and watching YouTube.



Release Day | The Invitation | Vi Keeland | Give Me Books Pr.

Title: The Invitation
Author: Vi Keeland
Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance

Release Date
January 18, 2021

The first time I met Hudson Rothschild was at a wedding. I’d received an unexpected invitation to one of the swankiest venues in the city. 

Hudson was a groomsman and quite possibly the most gorgeous man I’d ever laid eyes on. He asked me to dance, and our chemistry was off the charts. 

I knew it wasn’t a good idea to get involved with him, considering the wedding I was at. But our connection was intense, and I was having a great time. 

Though the fun came to a screeching halt when Hudson figured out I wasn’t who I’d said I was. You see, that unexpected invitation I received? Well, it hadn’t actually been addressed to me—it was sent to my ex-roommate who’d bounced a check for two months’ rent and moved out in the middle of the night. I figured she owed me an expensive night out, but I guess, technically, I was crashing the wedding. 

Once caught, I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. As I bolted for the door, I might’ve plucked a few bottles of expensive champagne off the tables I passed, all while the gorgeous, angry groomsman was hot on my tail. 

Outside, I jumped into a taxi. My heart ricocheted against my ribs as we drove down the block—but at least I’d escaped unscathed. 

Or so I thought. 

Until I realized I’d left my cell phone behind at the table. 

Take one guess who found it? 

This is the crazy story of how Hudson Rothschild and I met. But trust me, it’s only the tip of the iceberg.



Vi Keeland is a #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author. With millions of books sold, her titles have appeared in over a hundred Bestseller lists and are currently translated in twenty-five languages. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living out her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six.





Excerpt Reveal | The Invitation | Vi Keeland | Give Me Books Pr.

Title: The Invitation
Author: Vi Keeland
Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance

Release Date
January 18, 2021

Excited about Vi Keeland’s upcoming release, The Invitation? 
Check out this SNEAK PEEK of CHAPTER 1!

“I can’t do this…” I stopped halfway up the marble staircase. 
Fisher paused a few steps ahead of me. He walked back down to where I stood. “Sure you can. Remember the time we were in sixth grade and you had to make that presentation about your favorite president? You were a nervous wreck. You thought you were going to forget everything you’d memorized and be standing there with everyone staring at you.” 
“Yes, what about it?” 
“Well, this is no different. You got through that, didn’t you?” 
Fisher had lost his mind. “My fears all came true that day. I got up in front of the blackboard and started to sweat. I couldn’t remember a single word I’d written. Everyone in the class stared, and then you heckled me.” 
Fisher nodded. “Exactly. Your worst fear came true, and yet you lived to see another day. In fact, that day turned out to be the best day of your life.” 
I shook my head, bewildered. “How so?” 
“That was the first time we’d ever been in the same class. I thought you were just another annoying girl like the rest of them. But after school that day, you ripped into me for teasing you while you were trying to do your presentation. That made me realize you weren’t like the other girls. And that very day I decided we were going to be best friends.” 
I shook my head. “I didn’t speak to you for the rest of the school year.” 
Fisher shrugged. “Yeah, but I won you over the next year, didn’t I? And right now you feel a little calmer than you did two minutes ago, don’t you?” 
I sighed. “I guess I do.” 
He held out his tuxedo-clad elbow. “Shall we go in?” 
I swallowed. As terrified as I was of what we were about to do, I also couldn’t wait to see what the inside of the library looked like all done up for a wedding. I’d spent countless hours sitting on these steps, wondering about the people walking by. 
Fisher waited patiently with his elbow out while I debated another minute. Finally, with another loud sigh, I took his arm. “If we wind up in jail, you’re going to have to come up with the bail money for both of us. I’m way too broke.” 
He flashed his movie-star smile. “Deal.” 
As we climbed the remaining steps to the doors of the New York Public Library, I went over all of the details we’d discussed in the Uber on the way here. Our names for the evening were Evelyn Whitley and Maximilian Reynard. Max was in real estate—his family owned Reynard Properties—and I’d gotten my MBA at Wharton and recently moved back to the City. We both lived on the Upper East Side—at least that part was true. 
Two uniformed waiters wearing white gloves stood at the towering entrance doors. One held a tray of champagne flutes, and the other a clipboard. Though my legs somehow kept going, my heart felt like it was trying to escape from my chest and take off in the opposite direction. 
“Good evening.” The waiter with the clipboard nodded. “May I have your names, please?” 
Fisher didn’t flinch as he doled out the first of what would be a night full of lies. 
The man, who I noticed had an earpiece in, scanned his list and nodded. He held a hand out for us to enter, and his partner handed us each bubbly. “Welcome. The ceremony will take place in the rotunda. Seating for the bride is on your left.” 
“Thank you,” Fisher said. As soon as we were out of earshot, he leaned close. “See? Easy peasy.” He sipped his champagne. “Oooh, this is good.” 
I had no idea how he was so calm. Then again, I also had no idea how he’d managed to talk me into this insanity. Two months ago, I’d come home from work to find Fisher, who was also my neighbor, raiding my refrigerator for leftovers—a common occurrence. As he ate two-day-old chicken Milanese, I’d sat at the kitchen table sorting through my mail and having a glass of wine. While we talked, I’d sliced open the back of an oversized envelope without checking the address on the front. The most stunning wedding invitation had been inside—black and white with raised gold leaf. It was like a gilded work of art. And the wedding was at the New York Public Library, of all places—right near my old office and where I’d often sat and had my lunch on the iconic stairs. I hadn’t visited in at least a year, so I was seriously pumped to get to go to a wedding there. 
Though I’d had no idea whose wedding it was—a distant relative I’d forgotten, maybe? The names weren’t even vaguely familiar. When I turned the envelope over, I quickly realized why. I’d opened my ex-roommate’s mail. Ugh. That figured. It wasn’t me who was invited to a fairytale wedding at one of my favorite places in the world. 
But after a couple of glasses of wine, Fisher had convinced me it should be me going, and not Evelyn. It was the least my deadbeat ex-roommate could do for me, he’d said. After all, she’d snuck out in the middle of the night, taken some of my favorite shoes with her, and the check she’d left behind for the two months of back rent she owed had bounced. At a minimum, I ought to get to attend a ritzy, thousand-dollars-a-plate wedding, rather than her. Lord knew none of my friends were ever getting married at a venue like that. By the time we’d polished off the second bottle of merlot, Fisher had decided we would go in Evelyn’s place—crash the wedding for a fun night out, compliments of my no-good former roomie. Fisher had even filled out the response card, writing that two guests would attend, and slipped it into his back pocket to mail the next day. 
I’d honestly forgotten all about our drunken plans until two weeks ago when Fisher came home with a tuxedo he’d borrowed from a friend for the upcoming nuptials. I’d balked and told him I wasn’t going to crash some expensive wedding for people I didn’t know, and he’d done what he always did: gotten me to think his bad idea wasn’t really that bad. 
Until now. I stood in the middle of the sprawling lobby of what was probably a two-hundred-thousand-dollar wedding and felt like I might literally pee my pants. 
“Drink your champagne,” Fisher said. “It’ll help you relax a bit and put some color back in your cheeks. You look like you’re about to attempt to tell the class why you like John Quincy Adams so much.” 
I squinted at Fisher, though he smiled back, undeterred. I was certain nothing was going to help me loosen up. But nevertheless, I gulped back the contents of my glass. 
Fisher tucked one hand casually into his trouser pocket and looked around with his head held high, like he didn’t have a fear in the world. “I haven’t seen my old friend party animal Stella in a long time,” he said. “Might she come out to play tonight?” 
I handed him my empty champagne flute. “Shut up and go find me another glass before I bolt.” 
He chuckled. “No problem, Evelyn. You just sit tight and try not to blow our cover before we even get to see the beautiful bride.” 
“Beautiful? You don’t even know what she looks like.” 
“All brides look beautiful. That’s why they wear a veil—so you can’t see the ugly ones, and everything is magical on their special day.” 
“That’s so romantic.” 
Fisher winked. “Not everyone can be as pretty as me.” 
Three glasses of champagne helped calm me enough to sit through the wedding ceremony. And the bride definitely didn’t need a veil. Olivia Rothschild—or Olivia Royce, as she would be now—was gorgeous. I got a little teary eyed watching the groom say his vows. It was a shame the happy couple weren’t really my friends, because one of their groomsmen was insanely attractive. I might’ve daydreamed that Livi—that’s what I called her in my head—would fix me up with her new hubby’s buddy. But alas, tonight was a ruse, and I was no Cinderella story. 
The cocktail hour took place in a beautiful room I’d never been in. I studied the artwork on the ceiling as I waited at the bar for my drink. Fisher had told me he needed to use the restroom, but I had a feeling he’d really snuck off to talk to the handsome waiter who had been eyeing him since we’d walked in. 
“Here you go, miss.” The bartender slid a drink over to me. 
“Thank you.” I took a quick look around to see if anyone was paying attention before dipping my nose inside the glass and taking a deep sniff. Definitely not what I ordered. 
“Ummm, excuse me. Is it possible you made this with Beefeater gin and not Hendricks?” 
The bartender frowned. “I don’t think so.” 
I sniffed a second time, now certain he’d made it wrong. 
A man’s voice to my left caught me off guard. “You didn’t even taste it, yet you think he poured the wrong gin?” 
I smiled politely. “Beefeater is made with juniper, orange peels, bitter almond, and blended teas, which produces a licorice taste. Hendricks is made of juniper, rose, and cucumber. There’s a different smell to each.” 
“Are you drinking it straight or on the rocks?” 
“Neither. It’s a gin martini, so it has vermouth.” 
“But you think you can smell that he used the wrong gin, without even tasting it?” The guy’s voice made it clear he didn’t think I could. 
“I have a very good sense of smell.” 
The man looked over my shoulder. “Hey, Hudson, I got a hundred bucks that says she can’t tell the difference between the two gins if we line them up.” 
A second man’s voice came from my right, this one behind my shoulder a bit. The sound was deep, yet velvety and smooth—sort of like the gin the bartender should’ve used to make my drink. 
“Make it two hundred, and you’re on.” 
Turning to get a look at the man willing to wager on my abilities, I felt my eyes widen. 
Oh. Wow. The gorgeous guy from the bridal party. I’d stared at him during most of the wedding. He was handsome from afar, but up close he was breathtaking in a way that made my belly flutter—dark hair, tanned skin, a chiseled jawline, and luscious, full lips. The way his hair was styled—slicked back and parted to the side—reminded me of an old-time movie star. What I hadn’t been able to see from the back row during the ceremony was the intensity of his ocean blue eyes. Those were currently scanning my face like I was a book. 
I cleared my throat. “You’re going to bet two-hundred dollars that I can identify gin?” 
The gorgeous man stepped forward, and my olfactory sense perked up. Now that smells better than any gin. I wasn’t sure if it was his cologne or some sort of a body wash, but whatever it was, it took everything in my power to not lean toward him and take a deep whiff. The sinfully sexy man smelled as good as he looked. That pairing was my kryptonite. 
There was a hint of amusement in his voice. “Are you telling me it’s a bad bet?” 
I shook my head and turned back to speak to his friend. “I’ll play along with your little bet, but I’m in for two hundred, too.” 
When my eyes returned to the handsome man on my right, the corner of his lip twitched just slightly. “Nice.” He lifted his chin to his friend. “Tell the bartender to pour a shot of Beefeater and a shot of Hendricks. Line ’em up in front of her, and don’t let us know which is which.” 
A minute later, I lifted the first shot glass and sniffed. It honestly wasn’t even necessary for me to smell the other, though I did it anyway, just to be safe. Damn… I should’ve bet more. This was too easy, like taking candy from a baby. I slid one shot glass forward and spoke to the waiting bartender. “This one is the Hendricks.” 
The bartender looked impressed. “She’s right.” 
“Damn it,” the guy who had started this game huffed. He dug into his front pocket, pulled out an impressive billfold, and peeled off four hundred-dollar bills. Tossing them in our direction on top of the bar, he shook his head. “I’ll win it back by Monday.” 
Gorgeous Guy smiled at me as he collected his cash. Once I took mine, he lowered his head to whisper in my ear. 
“Nice job.” 
Oh my. His hot breath sent a shiver down my spine. It had been way too long since I’d had contact with a man. Sadly, my knees felt a little weak. But I forced myself to ignore it. “Thank you.” 
He reached around me to the bar and lifted one of the shots. Bringing it to his nose, he sniffed before setting it back down and smelling the other. 
“I don’t smell anything different.” 
“That just means you have a normal sense of smell.” 
“Ah, I see. And yours is…extraordinary?” 
I smiled. “Why yes, it is.” 
He looked amused as he passed me one of the shots and held the other up in toast. “To being extraordinary,” he said. 
I wasn’t generally a shot drinker, but what the hell? I clinked my glass with his before knocking it back. Maybe the alcohol would help settle the nerves this man seemed to have jolted awake. 
I set my empty shot glass on the bar next to his. “I take it this is something the two of you do on a regular basis, since your friend plans to win it back by Monday?” 
“Jack’s family and mine have been friends since we were kids. But the betting started when we went to the same college. I’m a Notre Dame fan, and he’s a USC fan. We were broke back then, so we used to bet a Taser zap on games.” 
“A Taser zap?” 
“His father was a cop. He gave him a Taser to keep under his car seat just in case. But I don’t think he envisioned his son taking hits of fifty-thousand volts when a last-minute interception made his team lose.” 
I shook my head. “That’s a little crazy.” 
“Definitely not our wisest decision. At least I won a lot more than he did. A little brain damage might help explain some of his choices in college.” 
I laughed. “So today was just a continuation of that pattern, then?” 
“Pretty much.” He smiled and extended his hand. “I’m Hudson, by the way.” 
“Nice to meet you. I’m St—” I caught myself in the nick of time. “I’m Evelyn.” 
“So are you a gin aficionado, Evelyn? Is that why I didn’t smell anything different between the two?” 
I smiled. “I wouldn’t consider myself an aficionado of gin, no. To be honest, I mostly drink wine. But did I mention my occupation? I’m a fragrance chemist—a perfumist.” 
“You make perfume?” 
I nodded. “Among other things. I developed scents for a cosmetics and fragrance company for six years. Sometimes it was a new perfume, other times it was the scent for a wipe that removes makeup, or maybe a cosmetic that needs a more pleasant smell.” 
“Pretty sure I never met a perfumist before.” 
I smiled. “Is it as exciting as you’d hoped?” 
He chuckled. “What exactly is the training for a job like that?” 
“Well, I have a chemistry degree. But you can have all the education you want, and you still won’t be able to do the job unless you also have hyperosmia.” 
“And that is…” 
“An enhanced ability to smell odors, an increased olfactory acuity.” 
“So you’re good at smelling shit?” 
I laughed. “Exactly.” 
A lot of people think they have a good sense of smell, but they don’t really understand how heightened the sense is for someone with hyperosmia. Demonstrating always worked best. Plus, I really wanted to know what cologne he was wearing. So, I leaned in and took a deep inhale of Hudson. 
Exhaling, I said, “Dove soap.” 
He didn’t look completely sold. “Yes, but that’s a pretty common soap choice.” 
I smiled. “You didn’t let me finish. Dove Cool Moisture. It’s got cucumber and green tea in it—also a common ingredient in gins, by the way. And you use L’Oreal Elvive shampoo, same as me. I can smell gardenia tahitensis flower extract, rosa canina flower extract, and a slight hint of coconut oil. Oh, and you use Irish Spring deodorant. I don’t think you’re wearing any cologne, actually.” 
Hudson’s brows rose. “Now that’s impressive. The wedding party stayed in a hotel last night, and I forgot to pack my cologne.” 
“Which one do you normally wear?” 
“Ah… I can’t tell you that. What will we do on our second date for entertainment if we don’t play the sniff test?” 
“Our second date? I didn’t realize we were going to have a first.” 
Hudson smiled and held out his hand. “The night’s young, Evelyn. Dance with me?” 
A knot in the pit of my stomach warned me it was a bad idea. Fisher and I were supposed to stick together and limit contact with other people to minimize our chances of getting caught. But glancing around, my date was nowhere in sight. Plus, this man was seriously magnetic. Somehow, before my brain even finished debating the pros and cons, I found myself putting my hand in his. He led me to the dance floor and wrapped one arm around my waist, leading with the other. Not surprisingly, he knew how to dance. 
“So, Evelyn with the extraordinary sense of smell, I’ve never seen you before. Are you a guest or a plus one?” He looked around the room. “Is some guy giving me the evil eye behind my back right now? Am I going to need to get Jack’s Taser from the car to ward off a jealous boyfriend?” 
I laughed. “I am here with someone, but he’s just a friend.” 
“The poor guy…” 
I smiled. Hudson’s flirting was over the top, yet I gobbled it up. “Fisher is more interested in the guy who was passing out champagne than me.” 
Hudson held me a little closer. “I like your date much better than I did thirty seconds ago.” 
Goose bumps prickled my arms as he lowered his head, and his nose briefly brushed against my neck. 
“You smell incredible. Are you wearing one of the perfumes you make?” 
“I am. But it’s not one that can be ordered. I like the idea of having a true signature scent that someone can remember me by.” 
“I don’t think you need the perfume to be remembered.” 
He led me around the dance floor with such grace, I wondered if he had taken professional lessons. Most men his age thought slow dancing meant rocking back and forth and grinding an erection against you. 
“You’re a good dancer,” I said. 
Hudson responded by twirling us around. “My mother was a professional ballroom dancer. Learning wasn’t an option; it was a requirement if I wanted to be fed.” 
I laughed. “That’s really cool. Did you ever consider following in her footsteps?” 
“Absolutely not. I grew up watching her suffer with hip bursitis, stress fractures, torn ligaments—it’s definitely not the glamorous profession they make it out to be on all those dance-contest TV shows. You gotta love what you do for a job like that.” 
“I think you have to love what you do for any job.” 
“That’s a very good point.” 
The song came to an end, and the emcee told everyone to take their seats. 
“Where are you sitting?” Hudson asked. 
I pointed to the side of the room where Fisher and I had been seated. “Somewhere over there. Table Sixteen.” 
He nodded. “I’ll walk you.” 
We approached the table at the same moment as Fisher, who was coming from the other direction. He looked between Hudson and me, and his face asked the question he didn’t say aloud. 
“Umm…this is my friend Fisher. Fisher, this is Hudson.” 
Hudson extended his hand. “Nice to meet you.” 
After shaking with a silent Fisher, who seemed to have forgotten how to speak, he turned to me and took my hand once again. “I should get back to my table with the rest of the wedding party.” 
“Save a dance for me later?” 
I smiled. “I’d love to.” 
Hudson turned to walk away and then turned back. As he walked backwards, he called, “In case you pull a Cinderella on me and disappear, what’s your last name, Evelyn?” 
Thankfully, him using my fake name reminded me not to give him my real one as I’d almost done the first time. “It’s Whitley.” 
Oh God. Did he know Evelyn? 
His eyes swept over my face. “Beautiful name. I’ll see you later.” 
“Uhh…okay, sure.” 
When Hudson was barely out of earshot, Fisher leaned close to me. “My name’s supposed to be Maximilian, sweetheart.” 
“Oh my God, Fisher. We have to leave.” 
“Nah.” He shrugged. “It’s no big deal. We made up Maximilian anyway. I’m your plus one. No one knows the name of the person Evelyn brought. Though I still want to play a real estate tycoon.” 
“No, it’s not that.” 
“Then what is it?” 
“We have to leave because he knows...”

Please note: There will not be an Amazon ebook pre-order, but it will be available on Amazon on release day.

Sign up for Vi’s mailing list now and be the first one notified when it goes live!

Vi Keeland is a #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author. With millions of books sold, her titles have appeared in over a hundred Bestseller lists and are currently translated in twenty-five languages. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living out her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six.

Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/vi.keeland
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Author-Vi-Keeland/435952616513958
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ViKeelandFanGroup
Website: http://www.vikeeland.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ViKeeland
Instagram: http://instagram.com/Vi_Keeland
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6887119.Vi_Keeland


Review | Kismet In The Sky | Swati M.H. | Give Me Books Pr.

After sitting next to him on a flight to Delhi eight years ago, I didn’t think I’d ever see the tall, green-eyed gorgeous stranger again. 
Except in my dreams. 
But now, Clark Cooper is the COO of my company and I’m going to have a lot more to lose than just my job if we act on our undeniable attraction. 
We’ve traveled very different roads over the past eight years and carry a lot of baggage. 
We’re both fueled by guilt. My guilt adheres me to marry the man my orthodox Indian parents choose. His guilt has him running from relationships, let alone marriage. 
But you know what they say about the things we can’t have. 
We always want them.

*I received this ARC in exchange for a sincere review*

I am very happy to have had the opportunity to read this book that introduced us to Avni and Clark.
The way they both know each other is very loving. She is still a student and he is already part of the world of work. They meet on a plane trip towards India. Her home country and his vacation destination. During the trip Avni can't help always looking at him and being attracted to him. He, friendly and cordial, talks to her practically the whole trip, but only at the end of the trip do both present themselves as they should be.
Eight years later and he still populates the mind of Avni, now a young woman looking for a job to match her studies, since she specialized in Marketing. She was fortunate that her fate intersected with Clark again. However, they did not cross under normal conditions. He is just one of her bosses at the new company where she will start working and as soon as she sees him she knows that her life will never be the same. He, in turn, does not recognize her from the trip he made eight years ago, but he knows and feels that they have already crossed paths before.
So, it was not surprising at all, that the two felt that empathy and attraction for each other.
However, she carries with her a great deal of pain and a great sense of guilt for something that happened in the past and that took one of the most dear and important people to her. We have a cheerful Avni most of the time, but dark and emotionally punished at other times and when we least expect it.
Clark, for his part, does not have an easy past either. Somewhere along the way someone once broke his heart without any chance of reparation. He is a kind, humorous, intelligent man with a good head. However, as much as he likes Avni and feels that she could be such, he continues to behave like someone who will never settle and love someone to the fullest.
There is much more I could say about this book, but what really stuck with me was the way the author writes and presents this story to us. Light, simple, with hints of humor and attractive dialogues. I also really liked Avni's family figures. The way they always protected and always acted in her best interest, despite the stubbornness in which she should marry someone of the same ethnicity as them. For them, only the men, women and customs of India were worth.
Now, taking into account that Clark is not at all an Indian man, it will take a lot of courage on his part to go against all the beliefs of her family, that's all I thought about whenever I remembered the aversion that the parents they had to American men.
I really liked this couple and could tell a lot more things but I can only say that I strongly recommend reading this story that shows us that fate has several ways to surprise us and help to remake or to come to peace with the past and its traumas.

Novidades Cultura Editora | O Cardeal | Indomável | O Triunfo dos Porcos | Heartstopper: Volume Um

A PARTIR DE 14-01-2021

A pacata cidade de Cambridge estremece, ao ser confrontada com os pormenores monstruosos do crime. Mas tudo piora quando uma criança desaparece a caminho da escola. O menino é encontrado numa mata, nu e estrangulado. Adam Immanuel, um escritor inglês, é visto a fugir do bosque. E todos, exceto uma jornalista e um professor universitário, acreditam que é culpado. 

Simultaneamente, um cardeal chega à Cidade do Vaticano num ambiente de grande polémica. O novo Papa foi assassinado, o mundo prepara-se para mais um conclave e um delator continua a publicar informações comprometedoras sobre a Santa Sé. Todavia, será que o religioso recém-chegado veio para ficar? Porque esconde a associação a um assassino profissional? Será ele capaz de resistir à aproximação de uma bela, mas nada inocente, mulher? 
Após A Morte do Papa, Nuno Nepomuceno regressa finalmente e apresenta-nos O Cardeal. Passado entre Cambridge e a Cidade do Vaticano, inspirado em crimes reais, este thriller envolve-nos numa espiral psicológica perturbadora, que só Nuno sabe criar. Um livro arrebatador e de leitura compulsiva. 


A PARTIR DE 14-01-2021

Qualquer mulher tem uma ânsia dentro de si. Empenhamo-nos ao limite em ser boas: boas mães, boas filhas, boas companheiras, boas cidadãs, boas amigas. Acreditamos que todo este empenho nos fará sentir vivas. Em vez disso, deixa-nos desgastadas, presas, saturadas e desiludidas. Olhamos para as nossas vidas, as nossas relações, o nosso mundo, e perguntamos a nós mesmas: Não era suposto que tudo fosse mais deslumbrante do que isto?
Há quatro anos, Glennon Doyle – autora, ativista e filantropa, esposa e mãe de três – preparava-se para dar uma conferência quando uma mulher entrou na sala. Glennon olhou para ela e foi amor à primeira vista. Três palavras inundaram-lhe o pensa mento: Ali Está Ela. Ao início, Glennon assumiu que estas palavras lhe chegavam vindas de uma instância superior. Mas depressa compreendeu que lhe chegavam de dentro.
Glennon estava por fim a ouvir a sua própria voz: a voz que fora silenciada por décadas de condicionamento cultural, vícios entorpecentes e lealdades institucionais. Jurou não voltar a abandonar-se e decidiu construir uma vida própria, baseada nos seus desejos, intuições e imaginação. Glennon iria reivindicar a sua autêntica e indomada individualidade.

«Estou tão pronta para mim mesma depois desta leitura! É como se tivesse voado para o meu corpo pela primeira vez! Uau! Qualquer uma que tenha a capacidade de realmente se deixar ir e mergulhar em si própria com o desejo de se segurar à vida: leia este livro.» Adele

«Uma perceção incrível do que significa ser mulher nos dias de hoje.» Reese Witherspoon

A PARTIR DE 21-01-2021

Esta fábula de Orwell narra uma história de corrupção e traição. Quando O Triunfo dos Porcos foi publicado pela primeira vez, a Rússia Estalinista foi vista como o seu alvo. Hoje percebemos facilmente que quando a liberdade é atacada, sob qualquer bandeira, esta obra funcionará como o seu escudo e espada.

Fartos dos maus tratos do Sr. Silva, os animais da Quinta Augusta começam uma rebelião, expulsando os humanos tiranos e tornando a herdade num paraíso de progresso, justiça e igualdade. No entanto, com o passar do tempo, os ideais acabam por ser corrompidos e uma nova ditadura, tão indecente quanto a dos humanos, é estabelecida.

A PARTIR DE 21-01-2021

Charlie e Nick estão na mesma escola, mas nunca se conheceram... até ao dia em que são obrigados a sentar-se lado a lado. Eles rapidamente se tornam amigos, e Charlie começa a apaixonar-se por Nick, embora ache que não tenha qualquer oportunidade.

Mas o amor funciona de maneiras surpreendentes e, por vezes, coisas boas estão mesmo ao nosso lado...

Este é o primeiro volume de Heartstopper, a banda desenhada premiada (Goodreads Choice Awards 2020) de Alice Oseman.

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