
Review | Eagles In Flight | Ramcy Diek

Emma's life changes the day Ruben Templeton walks in and asks her out on a date. She's surprised when Ruben's best friend, Jesse Kimball, joins them over dinner, and that it's Jesse who calls her the next day, instead of him.

It doesn't take long for Jesse to sweep Emma off her feet. He's handsome and charming, making her feel like the center of his universe.

When Emma receives devastating news, Jesse asks her to marry him. From the moment she agrees, their relationship starts to deteriorate. Desperate to understand why her new husband is so cold and distant, she reaches out to him, only to be met by anger. Hurt and confused, Emma turns to Ruben for advice.

Ruben suggests they give each other space for a few weeks. Weeks she can use to help him locate his younger brother Axel, who has gone missing. Emma agrees, and soon finds herself on a road trip across the country.

Will Emma and Jesse’s temporary separation clear the distance between them, or will she find love in the arms of another man?

*I received this book as a gift in exchange for my honest opinion...

.... and, my honest opinion is that I like it. I really do! Wasn't expecting such twist of actions between all characters. I'm thinking that the strong point here in this story is that everybody thought that Emma was a little scared woman who would be grateful to be noticed by someone. Well, this someone was no one less then the running young candidate to mayor, who needed a wife who didn't make waves. Guess again bud... Emma may be lacking in self esteem and confidence, but she sure ain't a dumb ass.
Emma struggled all her life with the loving missing dad and dedicated her life to her mother who got broken due to a car accident.
When she meets a long life old "friend" Ruben she only wants to get along with it and move on. Nothing warned her that she would meet also Jesse, a lovely young man who points his attention directly to her.
Along the story we can actually see the changes in Emma. Since the day she lost her most important person, to the day she realizes that the man she married with is not the man she really loves. On the verge of looknig for Ruben's youngest and lost brother, we see Emma grow and become a lovely and strong woman.
The very best thing on this story was really the growth of Emma as a human being that learned to love herself and also the fact that was she that went looking for what she didn't really know she was looking for (confusing? Yeah.. I know). Along the way she meets wonderful people. It's them that will restore her love in life and her trust in people.
The only thing i dind't like much was the fact that we have so little of Emma and Axel... you will see why I say this, as long as you read it. 
Although it is a love story, I firmly believe that this is a story that shows us how to deal with the adversities that life gives us and to forgive those who have put us down and still thinks that they're the right one's.

Don't miss this one out!

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